Welcome to the PICU
We provide constant care, observation and specialized monitoring of our patients, as well as support for families.
Admission Information 306-655-1915
Care Team
Your child will be cared for by a team of health care professionals. Doctors, residents (doctors taking additional training in pediatrics) and nurses who work in the PICU have special training in caring for kids, and our teams also include respiratory therapists, pharmacists and dieticians.
As parents, you’re and integral part of our team. Please raise any questions, concerns or ideas you may have, as we welcome your involvement in your child’s care.
During rounds, which happen between 8:30 and 11:30 each weekday morning, the team meets to discuss the plan of care for your child.
We encourage you to be present during rounds to learn about your child’s condition and participate in their care.
If you’re not able to be here, we welcome phone calls (306-655-1915) to discuss how your child is doing.
Security & Confidentiality
You’ll be given an identification number once your child has been admitted. Please have this number on hand when entering or calling the unit, as we are only able to give information to parents and guardians.
For the safety and security of your child, please dial 1915 from the family room before visiting. We appreciate your patience when circumstances may briefly delay a visit.
Please proceed directly to your child’s room to respect the privacy of all patients and families.
Sharing the Care
Parents are an important part of recovery. You’re welcome at almost any time to be with your child, taking care to maintain regular rest times for your child and yourselves.
A quite voice, comforting touch and familiar items can be immensely reassuring to your child. Please feel free to bring in a favourite blanket or toy, labelling it with your child’s name (no flowers or latex balloons, please). All items must be washable.
Please make sure your child is safe by always raising the crib or bed rails when not directly at the bedside. For your own safety, footwear is required at all times.
Sleep Accommodations
We provide a single cot or sleep chair, along with bedding and linens, for use at your child’s bedside.
Please bring your own toiletries and personal items to make your stay more comfortable.
For safety reasons, please do not share your bed with your child.
Feel free to use the washrooms in the family room or in the main corridor near the entrance. Please ask your nurse where to shower.
Additional accommodations are listed at the end of this pamphlet.
Family Space
You’re welcome to use the family room while your child is a patient here, and we appreciate your help in keeping this small area tidy.
Please eat and drink in the family room rather than at your child’s bedside, and date and label any food you leave in the refrigerator with your child’s name
There is a phone as well as a computer with internet access available for your use
We ask that the number of visitors in the family room be kept small so all families have room to wait. Extra space is available in the main hallway outside the unit, or in the Main Mall.
Breast pumps are available for you to use. Please ask your nurse for more information.
Public Phones, Cell Phones & Internet Access
There are pay phones in the hallway outside the unit and in the Main Mall area.
Please do not use cell phones on the unit as they may interfere with our specialized equipment.
Wireless internet is available on the open patient/visitor network.
As parents, you must accompany all visitors to your child’s bedside.
Siblings are especially welcome to visit. It might be a good idea to talk to young siblings about what to expect in the PICU, and our nursing staff is happy to help you with this. Please take care not to leave young children unattended in the family room.
There may be times when we have to limit the number of visitors to provide a quiet environment for your child as they recover. These decisions will be based on your child’s condition, and we appreciate your understanding.
If you wish to restrict visitors for your child, please inform your nurse,
To protect all patients, if you or your child’s visitors are sick, please don’t visit.
Hand Washing
Frequent hand washing, especially after sneezing or coughing, helps protect your child.
Please feel free to ask staff and visitors if they’ve washed their hands prior to interacting with your child.
Spiritual Care
We welcome, respect and do our best to accommodate your spiritual beliefs and practices. Please discuss your wishes with your child’s nurse, who can contact spiritual care to arrange any assistance you require. There is also a chaplaincy department on the fourth floor of the hospital if you are seeking spiritual care.
Main Mall
The Main Mall area contains a cafeteria, coffee shop, gift shop, pharmacy, two bank machines, pay phones and various sitting areas.
You can purchase daily, weekly and monthly passes for parking adjacent to the hospital.
Call 306-655-2535 or visit the Office in the Main Mall for details.
Tobacco and Smoke-free Policy
Smoking and tobacco use are not permitted in the building or on the grounds of Royal University Hospital 24 hours a day, seven days a week. |
Meals and snacks are readily available within the hospital.
Main Mall Cafeteria
(24 hours)
Café on 5th
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Monday to Friday
(Closed Holidays)
Starbucks (Main Mall)
7:00 am to 7:30 pm
Monday to Friday
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday
(Closed Holidays)
Nearby Accommodations
Ronald McDonald House
Laura’s Lodge
The Inn on College
Park Town Hotel
Netty’s Nest
Family Feedback
Your concerns are important to us, and we do our very best to address them. Please feel free to raise any issues with your child’s nurse or with Rebecca Brockman, Manager of PICU. Or, drop off a Share Your Voice form in the suggestion box in the family room.
If you’d like to discuss an issue further, please don’t hesitate to contact a Client Representative at (306) 655–0250.